258 مشاهدة
ما هو الخطاب المرفق مع السيرة الذاتيه

1 إجابة واحدة

0 تصويت
الخطاب المرفق مع السيرة الذاتية:
هو فرصتك الذهبية للالتحاق بالوظيفة فقد ينظر إليه صاحب العمل قبل السيرة الذاتية نفسها، ومحتواه ما يؤهلك لهذه الوظيفة وإبراز مهاراتك بشرط ما تم ذكره في الخطاب لا تذكره في السيرة الذاتية، اكتب أحسن ما لديك في هذا الخطاب.

ويتم كتابته كالتالي:

Dear Sirs.

While I was surfing the internet I saw you announcement of a job and because my present job is related to it , I would like to apply for this job with the objective of developing myself, my social life and my career. All of these can be achieved through good teamwork.

With this letter I am attaching my C.V which includes all my qualifications for your consideration. I will appreciate it if you can arrange an appointment so I can meet you for an interview. Needless to mention that I have no objection to transfer to another city in the event that I am considered to join your esteemed organization.

I thank you for this opportunity and please call me on my mobile phone whenever you can schedule my interview.

Best regards and many thanks also to the person who delivered this letter to you.
بواسطة ✭✭✭ (53.5ألف نقاط)

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